Thursday, October 4, 2007

We're In

We've moved in. Bit of a....bit of a piece of work, I'd say.
Our new apartment is in a very interesting part of Barcelona. It's called Sant Pere, which is a sub-barrio of La Ribera. Sant Pere is the nearby church. The streets are not really wide enough for cars (not that that stops anyone) so the taxi had to circle around the area to find a back way in. Literally. He backed in. He found the nearby cross street to our street, except it was a one-way street and he was at the wrong end. Like any good taxista he improvised. Turned the car around and backed it up 3/4 of a block to get us close to our cross street. We were, all at once, horrified (rule-breaking!), terrified (we were in the back seats), but thankful (we had a trunk full of luggage and well, see below). We shlepped the luggage to our building and then, yes, dragged it up to our apartment, on the 5th floor, without an elevator. Greg made 3 trips. This was after we had already been there an hour and a half before for the lease signing and inspection. It's a nice place, relatively large for Europe. And the internet worked right away (always a plus). After doing this for a few times (the moving in part) we've become accostomed to the pattern. We take the zone-coverage approach. Gen takes the contract and thoroughly reads it (in spanish). Greg handles the deep coverage (aka the inventory) and turns on everything that has a switch. It's clean, the furniture is new (Ikea, of course). It's light. And it seems to have a lot of storage space. Which we need.
So we're here. Email us if you want our address.

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